Type Alias esp_idf_sys::psa_pake_operation_t

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pub type psa_pake_operation_t = psa_pake_operation_s;
Expand description

The type of the state data structure for PAKE operations.

Before calling any function on a PAKE operation object, the application must initialize it by any of the following means:

  • Set the structure to all-bits-zero, for example: \code psa_pake_operation_t operation; memset(&operation, 0, sizeof(operation)); \endcode
  • Initialize the structure to logical zero values, for example: \code psa_pake_operation_t operation = {0}; \endcode
  • Initialize the structure to the initializer #PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT, for example: \code psa_pake_operation_t operation = PSA_PAKE_OPERATION_INIT; \endcode
  • Assign the result of the function psa_pake_operation_init() to the structure, for example: \code psa_pake_operation_t operation; operation = psa_pake_operation_init(); \endcode

This is an implementation-defined \c struct. Applications should not make any assumptions about the content of this structure. Implementation details can change in future versions without notice.

Aliased Type§

struct psa_pake_operation_t {
    pub private_id: u32,
    pub private_alg: u32,
    pub private_primitive: u32,
    pub private_stage: u8,
    pub private_computation_stage: psa_pake_operation_s__bindgen_ty_1,
    pub private_data: psa_pake_operation_s__bindgen_ty_2,


§private_id: u32

Unique ID indicating which driver got assigned to do the operation. Since driver contexts are driver-specific, swapping drivers halfway through the operation is not supported. ID values are auto-generated in psa_crypto_driver_wrappers.h ID value zero means the context is not valid or not assigned to any driver (i.e. none of the driver contexts are active).

§private_alg: u32§private_primitive: u32§private_stage: u8§private_computation_stage: psa_pake_operation_s__bindgen_ty_1§private_data: psa_pake_operation_s__bindgen_ty_2