Function esp_idf_sys::httpd_sess_set_pending_override

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn httpd_sess_set_pending_override(
    hd: httpd_handle_t,
    sockfd: c_int,
    pending_func: httpd_pending_func_t,
) -> esp_err_t
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@brief Override web server’s pending function (by session FD)

This function overrides the web server’s pending function. This function is used to test for pending bytes in a socket.

@note This API is supposed to be called either from the context of - an http session APIs where sockfd is a valid parameter - a URI handler where sockfd is obtained using httpd_req_to_sockfd()

@param[in] hd HTTPD instance handle @param[in] sockfd Session socket FD @param[in] pending_func The receive function to be set for this session


  • ESP_OK : On successfully registering override
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments