Function esp_idf_sys::esp_lcd_new_panel_io_i80

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_lcd_new_panel_io_i80(
    bus: esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t,
    io_config: *const esp_lcd_panel_io_i80_config_t,
    ret_io: *mut esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t,
) -> esp_err_t
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@brief Create LCD panel IO, for Intel 8080 interface

@param[in] bus Intel 8080 bus handle, created by esp_lcd_new_i80_bus() @param[in] io_config IO configuration, for i80 interface @param[out] ret_io Returned panel IO handle @return - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if some configuration can’t be satisfied, e.g. pixel clock out of the range - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if out of memory - ESP_OK on success