Function esp_idf_sys::sdio_slave_recv

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn sdio_slave_recv(
    handle_ret: *mut sdio_slave_buf_handle_t,
    out_addr: *mut *mut u8,
    out_len: *mut usize,
    wait: TickType_t,
) -> esp_err_t
Expand description

Get received data if exist. The driver returns the ownership of the buffer to the app.

@param handle_ret Handle to the buffer holding received data. Use this handle in sdio_slave_recv_load_buf to receive in the same buffer again. @param[out] out_addr Output of the start address, set to NULL if not needed. @param[out] out_len Actual length of the data in the buffer, set to NULL if not needed. @param wait Time to wait before data received.

@note Call sdio_slave_load_buf with the handle to re-load the buffer onto the link list, and receive with the same buffer again. The address and length of the buffer got here is the same as got from sdio_slave_get_buffer.

@return - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if handle_ret is NULL - ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT if timeout before receiving new data - ESP_OK if success