Type Alias esp_idf_sys::mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t

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pub type mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(p_expkey: *mut c_void, type_: mbedtls_ssl_key_export_type, secret: *const c_uchar, secret_len: usize, client_random: *const c_uchar, server_random: *const c_uchar, tls_prf_type: mbedtls_tls_prf_types)>;
Expand description

\brief Callback type: Export key alongside random values for session identification, and PRF for implementation of TLS key exporters.

\param p_expkey Context for the callback. \param type The type of the key that is being exported. \param secret The address of the buffer holding the secret that’s being exporterd. \param secret_len The length of \p secret in bytes. \param client_random The client random bytes. \param server_random The server random bytes. \param tls_prf_type The identifier for the PRF used in the handshake to which the key belongs.

Aliased Type§

enum mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *const u8, _: usize, _: *const u8, _: *const u8, _: u32)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *const u8, _: usize, _: *const u8, _: *const u8, _: u32))

Some value of type T.