Type Alias esp_idf_sys::filter_cb_t

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pub type filter_cb_t = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(raw_value: *mut u16, filtered_value: *mut u16)>;
Expand description

@brief Callback function that is called after each IIR filter calculation. @note This callback is called in timer task in each filtering cycle. @note This callback should not be blocked. @param raw_value The latest raw data(touch sensor counter value) that points to all channels(raw_value[0..TOUCH_PAD_MAX-1]). @param filtered_value The latest IIR filtered data(calculated from raw data) that points to all channels(filtered_value[0..TOUCH_PAD_MAX-1]).

Aliased Type§

enum filter_cb_t {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u16, _: *mut u16)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u16, _: *mut u16))

Some value of type T.